Tuesday, December 1, 2020

Know dont Fear

I previously watched video connecting this lab to investors.

FDA allowing minor ingredient changes without label disclosure, using pandemic as excuse.  During 2020 some farmers were told transport was contaminated and to dump their produce.  Wendys served 1/2 meat, 1/2 pea protein burgers without disclosing this when their meat was short.  I realize insects and cockroaches are sources of protein.  It is concerning that these continue to be drenched with poisons rather than turn ants away with black tea leaves, block their entry access and eliminate what cockroaches come indoors for which is food, paper and water.

Set to be approved in the EU are edible insects.  US, Canada, Japan, India and France want to sell cockroach milk.  __icefarmer.com 1-26-21


Eucalyptus, oregano and mint oil all repel mosquitos.  Long sleeves, pants, socks and mosquito netting block mosquitos and removing standing water eliminates a place for their larvae to be laid and hatched.

It is not okay for Oxitec to talk our cities into letting them release insects they infect with Walbachia bacteria that cause sterility that us humans would otherwise not come in contact with.  Further they claim they pick out the females they are breeding in warehouses and don't release them.T

This is not the 1st effort to create food shortage.  San Joaquin farmers were told a smelt had to be saved and were denied water in 2009 that later they found was simply let to run out to the ocean.


Rocco Galati is suing Canadian government, Prime Minister Trudeau and health ministers for violation of rights of citizens, using broadcasting to silence and censor medical and science experts trying to address that these measures they claim are to stop a virus are destroying health and the economy.  Mr. Galati says these doctors and scientists are world experts but are not trained to fight political measures designed to affect economic and nation state destruction.  Listen to or download podcast.


Nano in Pfizer mRNA vaccine to change your dna 2 min video


Mark Anthony Steele:  PCR Test 100% False - Fake Information To Drive Genocide January 3, 2021

🇨🇷🇧🇾🇨🇮    candy or flags?

Fall Of The Republic is the Rise of the Corporate Wake


This will Happen If You Take  Vaccines Dr. Suzanne Humpfries. https://youtu.be/4k7jlVEtqrU

2019 Vaccine conference. WHO Caught On Tape Admitting Vaccines Are Not Safe


Magda Havas, PhD, a professor at Trent University School of the Environment, maintains that COVID-19 cases per million are 95 percent higher and deaths per million are 126 percent higher in states with 5G.


go to 16 mins MIRROR Dr Carrie Madej, CV19 Upcoming Vaccines"


mask fails Oxygen test


Association Of American Physicians And Surgeons Sounds Off On Face Masks


U.S. has cooperative bio-engagement programs and dual use technology they get Universities to develop then use for bio terror like weaponized insects.  Harry Vox tells who profits most from from terror futures marked put options before 911 and what covid is in Paul Derienzo interview.


More voxnews to educate yourself


Arthur Firstenberg's pdf download

The Wrong Pandemic

Monday, November 30, 2020

WH riot Staged n inspiring Mike Matt

Staged Capitol Breakin https://www.bitchute.com/video/DYlb92zMkj41/

November 22, 2020

Video link below of lockdown protest in Minnesota with inspiring address by Michael Matt outside governors mansion.


Thursday, November 26, 2020

Covid Vaccine is Biological Weapon

Receipts and sketches in patents for injectible interface on the Stu Peters Show.


Covid Vaccine is Biological Mass Weapon says Wyoming's Public Health Department Doctor & Covid Response Team


Dr. Palevsky explains to Connecticut State Legislature how vaccine manufacturers are not doing double blind placebo studies and that nano and polysorbate are destroying cell membranes, mitochondria and brain matter leading to inflamatory and auto-immune diseases.


Vaccine maker Butantan in Brazil began developing a vaccine for the microcephaly outbreak in 2014 while admitting they didn't even know what caused it.  They blamed mosquitos for being infected with Zika as did Oxitec now owned by Intrexon.  Oxitec and Mosquitomate tried to profit by incubating masses of mosquitos and releasing them in the wild.  Oxitec claimed to genetically alter these mosquitos to be and cause infertility in offspring. They released millions by the truckload in Fresno, California in 2017 and claimed they needed to release more and later to work.

Mosquito Mate infects mosquitos with sterility causing bacteria Wolbachia.  Humans have never been exposed to Wolbachia but will be as these mosquitos are surviving in the wild and the creator, professor Stephen Dobson at U of Kentucky never tested the saliva of these infected mosquitos.  He now has a pest control company in Lexington but was trying to convince cities they had a Zika carrying mosquito infestation and would solve it by releasing millions of his Wolbachia infected ones.

Since the Aedes Aegypti mosquito species wasn't causing zika anywhere else, Argentinian doctors looked at how the Brazilian state of Purnambuco had put pyriproxyfen in public drinking water to kill mosquito larva.  Zika did not cause women to give birth to babies with shrunken brains.

It is said that after DDT which causes paralysis and was sprayed directly on children as an insect repellant, a new disease called polio was blamed and a vaccine was created to eradicate polio.  Childhood paralysis that was blamed on polio disappeared as soon as the use of DDT ended.

Monday, November 23, 2020

Glyphosate opens blood brain barrier



Glyphosate is in vaccines. Zen Honeycutt's own Sons health improved after she learned about and removed glyphosate from their diets.  What it does is combine with the other toxic ingredients and allows them to cross into the blood brain barrier.  Vaccines began causing alot of health problems when glyphosate was added in the vaccines.  Start video at 9 mins


Virus is an exosome

Viruses arise from within in us from a cell that is excreting poison.  A cell can be poisoned by an overload of toxins or by exposure to electromagnetic frequency transmitted from cell towers, smart meters, cell phones and other wireless gadgets.

2 min video diagrams RSV Respiratory Syncytial Virus

COVID is, first and foremost, an INFORMATION WAR, and unless Americans can learn how to turn off their cable news programs with their BILLIONS in funding, mainly from Big Pharma, and take the time to research the issues for themselves, the Globalists will unleash their vaccines and other untested products while also causing social unrest in their effort to implement their New World Order.

Monday, November 16, 2020

Away in DC Leaders Not Working

Isn't it ironic that the Help Americans Vote Act used our tax money to pay for voting machines that can be manipulated so truth in election of leaders is unknowable.  Voting machine tabulation software and screen selection input can be tampered with access to the machine or remotely. Some counties dont print out copies of voters ballots and some destroy them making it impossible to check vote count accuracy.


Data Security 2020 Wall Street Journal


I read the original founders of this country met in Philadelphia then went home.  I think we should keep leaders in our home states.  When we let them go live in D.C.,  they are surrounded by corporate lobbyists who have been getting them to pass laws written by and for the benefit of corporations.  Bills are loaded with unrelated items and stipulations of where all our tax money goes.  Think how much of our money is collected in just one day, in one city, on sales tax alone.  Our money just keeps going away from us and very little comes back.  So much goes to administration.  All the spending is not necessary.  We've only been a country for 244 years.  I at first bought into believing with everyone responsibly doing their jobs, the pooled resources covered all the other services a city needs.  Right off it was obvious the 40 hour work week left little family time and especially not enough time to fully nurture and supervise children.  I think any group of us who wants to audit a particular program budget should be able to and then submit recommendation to the voters to trim or cut it if it is enriching those administering it far more than how much it is benefiting citizens.

I didn't see proof "who let the dogs out," was a code for cheating in voting.  It is a real music video here.

Who Let The Dogs Out

Former Marine Vince Emanuel, in speech on Veterans Day says U.S. military protecting geopolitical and corporate interests.  He wants all of us to have a national conversation on what we want because nobody wants to keep invading other countries and killing their civilians to take their resources.


Saturday, November 14, 2020

Not Intended On Sidewalks

Congress never intended for cellphone towers to be on sidewalks.  They are putting thousands of 4G, 5G and Wi-Gig up close to us even though the DC District Court in August 2019 ordered they prove it safe first.

New Hampshire exposes the agenda of the telecom industry, regulatory agencies we did not elect, those who intend to become millionaires in a worldwide total surveillance state and injectable neural brain interface experimenters who all refuse to mention how unsafe 5G millimeter wave frequencies are already known to be by ongoing  extensive military testing and use since the 1960's.

They claim these transmitters that are supposed to be 2500 feet away and 1500 feet up, are needed to pick up 5G signals that will drop if the 5G phone is moved inside a building.  They are also rushing up Wi-Gig which is the same as what is inside a microwave oven.  5G signals do not just pass through you.  Your helical shaped sweat glands are perfect 5G receivers.  It travels down inside you and bounces causing damage before shooting out.

New Hampshire consulted engineers, scientists and molecular biologists to research the health effects of 5G.  Below is a summary of their recommendations and a link to the full report.  I ask you send the recommendations summary to at least one other person, especially to any elected leader.

  1. Engage the US government to require the FCC to do an independent review of the RF standards and RF health risks;
  2. Require NH state agencies to include links on their website(s) about RF-radiation from all sources, including 5G, and showing how to minimize exposure, as well as public service announcements warning of RF health risks especially to pregnant women and children.
  3. Require eye-level signage for every 5G antenna in the public rights- of-way.
  4. “Schools and public libraries should migrate from RF wireless connections for computers, laptops, pads, and other devices, to hard- wired or optical connections within a five-year period starting when funding becomes available.” [please note, we support hard-wired connections, but as far as we know optical connections, such as Lifi, have not been proven safe. It is unfortunate that it’s included in this recommendation.]
  5. Collect signal strength measurements including worst-case conditions for all wireless facilities, including when changes are made, and make that information public. If measurements exceed radiation thresholds, the municipality can take the facility offline. Measurements taken by an independent contractor and the cost paid by the installer.
  6. Establish new protocols for measuring RF to better evaluate signal characteristics, taking into account the high-data-rate radiation known to be harmful to human health. Enable the summative effects of multiple radiation sources to be measured.
  7. Require that any new wireless antennae be set back from residences, businesses, and schools.
  8. Upgrade the educational offerings by the NH Office of Professional Licensure and Certification (OPLC) to include RF measurements.
  9. The State of New Hampshire should develope a continually updated map of RF exposure levels across the state.
  10. “Strongly recommend all new cell phones and all other wireless devices sold come equipped with updated software that can stop the phone from radiating when positioned against the body.”
  11. “Promote and adopt a statewide position that would strongly encourage moving forward with the deployment of fiber optic cable connectivity, internal wired connections, and optical wireless to serve all commercial and public properties statewide.”
  12. “Further basic science studies are needed in conjunction with the medical community outlining the characteristics of expressed clinical symptoms related to radio frequency radiation exposure.”
  13. “Recommend the use of exposure warning signs to be posted in commercial and public buildings. In addition, encourage commercial and public buildings, especially healthcare facilities, to establish RF-radiation free zones where employees and visitors can seek refuge from the effects of wireless RF emissions.”
  14. “The State of New Hampshire should engage agencies with appropriate scientific expertise, including ecological knowledge, to develop RF-radiation safety limits that will protect the trees, plants, birds, insects, and pollinators.”
  15. “The State of New Hampshire should engage our Federal Delegation to legislate that under the National Environmental Policy Act (NEPA) the FCC do an environmental impact statement as to the effect on New Hampshire and the country as a whole from the expansion of RF wireless technologies.”

They can not say they were not aware.  At Take Back Your Power there are templates for sending Notices Of Liability to elected leaders, telecom executives and utilities involved informing them they will be held liable if you are harmed by a smart meter, a smart meter neighborhood collection box or by all these wireless telecommunication transmitters or the metal  equipment boxes on sidewalks, all going up in front of our homes, schools and businesses.  Executives served hwhich ave stepped down and City Council Members have quit. 

Why rush global deployment of unsafe 5G

CeCe Doucette, Director at Massachusetts for Safe Technology on the Daily Breaking show November 5, 2020 discussing safer than 5G connectivity with hard wiring fiber optic cable.


Saturday, May 2, 2020

what 5G test on students looks like

If you want to know what happens when 5G at 60 Gigahertz is put in a building, look up "mystery illness at Nichols Jr. High in Arlington, Virginia or at Dewey High School, in case video below is removed from youtube.  The doctors know it's microwave illness and tell teachers not to return to work at their school, but the school district lie and call it "conversion disorder."  The government called it "Project Bizarre Tests.  They're installing this in public schools, libraries, stadiums, hotels and all over outside, while you are inside, so when you come out and have trouble breathing cuz your oxygen uptake is interfered with by 5G at 60 Gigahertz, they'll blame it on a Covid-19 mutatation.  Click here:  Joe Imbriano's "most Important Information" video.

Sunday, April 26, 2020

inform yourself here

Amazing site with legal, licensing, meters, biological, scientific, actions that work, free downloads for
vaccine "do not consent" forms and notice of liability against smart meter


Stop paying the federal government who use our tax money to plane spray nano sized poisonous particulates.  Watch The Dimming a 2021 documentary by Dane Wigington and find proof in patents and military documents at his website

we're being exterminated at The Improv

standup comedy at The Improv Hollywood
Loretta Marmor

we're being exterminated


When you are a very well-informed woman or man you won't feel a shred of fear.  Turn inward and connect with source of your creator.  Education. entertainment and media is evil and based on war. sacrifice, disease and poverty and generations of blood, (war ,) economy.  Hundreds of years of lies, time money and fear makes up the world consciousness.  Move away from this.  Recently deceased, Cecil John Rhodes  plundered Africa's people, gold and diamonds.  This same Sabatian element that infiltrated The  League of Nations, Trilateral Commission and the Bilderberg Group, engineered
and funded both sides of World War I and World War II.  __Sacha Stone


They engineered this pandemic to collapse the economy, make as many people unemployed and homeless so their few  multinationals will produce and control everything.

Their stated goal is to reduce the population as presently our sheer numbers prevent them from injecting interfacing materials into us to remote track, monitor and control us.


5G weapons calibration & installation

Zinc and Chloroquine knock out Covid-19 within hours.

This is not some virulent agent, not some bioweapon, but a carefully designed, clandestinely crafted, electromagnetic weaponry system to induce symptoms of respiratory ailments that will be blamed on a pathogen which will be solved by prescription of medications and a vaccine. _Joe Imbriano the Fullerton Informer
War On Oxygen

a little history Pirates of the Carribean https://YouTube.be/Z77fnvQXB5c

Wednesday, March 25, 2020

5G will push more cell signals into the same airspace

5G will push more cell signals into the same airspace at faster speeds with far more modulation than current 4G cell technologies. 5G inside you can turn up your tiny electrical Calcium Signaling., flooding excess calcium into cells when it's not supposed to. 5G interferes with the protein involved in blood uptake of oxygen molecules. 5G at 60 GHz vibrates at the same frequency as oxygen molecules and oxygen molecules absorb the 5G.

You can see 4G causes the very few birds left to double flap their wings and they can't fly straight. You also see the birds of different species flying in formation down close to cars and around high traffic intersections.

5G can activate components for Biological Application Programming Interface if any are lodged in your brain. These are injected or are inside fibers experimentally released in the air and inhaled.

Material normally not a threat to your health, such as aluminum, renders it bio-available. It then can get through your lungs to your blood and can pass through your blood brain barrier, and accumulate in your frontal lobe, like so much combusted aluminum coal fly ash being shipped, loaded into, and plane sprayed on us. Stop letting your taxes be used to fund spraying us like bugs. Aluminum in your frontal lobe interferes with memory.

Nor should you let your taxes fund dumping machine shop byproduct fluoride in public drinking water. An environmental law was passed making it unlawful to release it on site. Instead of paying to store it, a PR firm was created to promote idea it prevents cavities and got water districts to buy it to put in public water. Your toothpaste tube warns not to swallow it.

It was first uaed to make concentration camp prisoners docile. It is highly toxic, destroys teeth, bones and lowers IQ.

5G has power densities of up to 30 times higher than previous systems of 1G to 4G and with penetration being enhanced, your helical shaped sweat ducts will pull 5G frequencies, spiraling deeper into your skin and will cause nociceptor pain.

Hardwire using copper or fiber optic cables at home and ask businesses offering wifi to do the same. There are Adapters available now for hardwire connecting cell phone to internet by connecting on ethernet cable from your router:
Android:        https://amzn.to/3ao4LN
Iphone/pad    https://amzn.to/30DMG9p

The US Congress never intended Towers to be in residential areas or antennas to be just 6 feet off the ground.  WTFs in Close proximity to people is Beyond the intent of the underlying law again which all FCC rules must be measured.

The FCC failed to address that it was speeding densification without completing its investigation of Health effects of low intensity radio frequency microwave radiation they did not adequately address the harms of deregulation they did not justify its portrayal of those harms as negligible how to cool a rational did the FCC characterize the order as consistent with its long-standing policy because the FCC mischaracterized the size the scale in the footprint of the anticipated Nationwide deployment of over 800,000 wireless transmission facilities that they're calling small cells crucially different from the consumer Signal Boosters and Wi-Fi routers they tried to compare them to and it's ridiculous that they would say Wireless transmission facility deregulation will leave little to no environmental footprint or they justify that wireless transmission facilities by their nature are inherently unlikely to trigger potential significant environmental impacts so the DC Circuit Court remanded it back to the FCC.

The October 1, 2019 and August 9, 2019 D.C. District Court of Appeals details:

As of October 1, 2019, these “services” were confirmed by the DC Circuit Courts of Appeals in Case No, 18-1051, Mozilla et al. v. FCC, to be reclassified by the FCC as Title I, unregulated "Information Services". At present, only wireline and wireless voice transmissions are classified as Title II, regulated "Telecommunications Services”.  Title I and Title II applications, therefore, need to be regulated differentially by local planning boards and commissions: for example, with separate file cabinets. In larger cities and counties, they ought to be evaluated by separate staff.  This regulatory distinction means that no preemption applies to WTF applications purposed for internet protocol transmissions. Indeed, instead of permitting WTFs, various local governments around the country have decided to supply public fiber-optics to the premises (FTTP) for internet protocol services, which is superior in every way to wireless internet protocol transmissions

Infrastructural copper wires and almost all fiber-optic cables already in place were financed with public money and reside in public conduits or on poles in the public rights-of-way. These fiber-optic cables and copper wirelines cannot lawfully be claimed or used, particularly not exclusively, by unregulated private wireless companies as if they were private property, purposed for private profit.

Staff will need to determine the true identities of the respective applicants.  As obvious as this may seem, the specific agent, shell company and franchise of the wireless carrier needs to be named as its true corporate identity; it must also list its board of directors on the application.  

Equipment designed in such a way as to inflict biological harm upon the public should not be given a building permit or permission to operate, as doing so would be in violation of the intent of established codes.  

Existing standards and codes such as building codes, fire codes, general plans, and city and county guidelines, are purposed to avert harm, manage risk and liability, and protect and serve the public welfare.  The failure to uphold codes constitutes malpractice – a legal liability – and is unjust to the public. 

August 9, 2019, the DC Circuit Court of Appeals, in its Ruling in Case 18-1129 vacated FCC Order 18-30‘s deregulation of sWTFs and remanded this to the FCC.  In Case 18-1129, the judges stated that “the FCC failed to justify its determination that it is not in the public interest to require review of [sWTF] deployments” and ruled that “the Order’s deregulation of [sWTFs] is arbitrary and capricious.”

The DC Circuit judges, whose Court is esteemed as superseding the other Circuit Courts and only subsidiary to the U.S. Supreme Court, published reasons for their 8/9/19 Ruling, concluding:

The FCC failed to address that it was speeding densification “without completing its investigation of . . . health effects of low-intensity radiofrequency [microwave] radiation”.

The FCC did not adequately address the harms of deregulation.

The FCC did not justify its portrayal of those harms as negligible.

The FCC’s characterization of the Order as consistent with its longstanding policy was not “logical and rational.” . . . because the FCC mischaracterized the size, scale and footprint of the anticipated nationwide deployment of 800,000-unit network of sWTFs.

Such sWTFs are “crucially different from the consumer signal boosters and Wi-Fi routers to which the FCC compares them”.

“It is impossible on this record to credit the claim that [sWTF] deregulation will ‘leave little to no environmental footprint.'”.

The FCC fails to justify its conclusion that sWTFs “as a class” and by their “nature” are “inherently unlikely” to trigger potential significant environmental impacts.

Therefore, this 8/9/19 DC Circuit Ruling renders every sWTF application in your City / County] incomplete, where the application does not contain substantial written evidence of NEPA review. The DC Circuit judges provided judicial reasoning for remanding the matter back to the FCC so that FCC could write rules specific to sWTFs “as a class”.  Such rules would address the need for the FCC and the wireless industry to complete Environmental Assessments (“EA”) and / or Environmental Impact Statements (“EIS”) for the anticipated nationwide deployment of an 800,000-unit network of sWTFs. This judicial reasoning pertains to the class of sWTFs that includes the antennas, radios, and ancillary equipment that are often attached to utility poles, light poles and other street furniture

October 1, 2019 DC District Court vacated FCC pre--emption order from 2018.

"[Because] the Commission’s Preemption Directive, see 2018 Order ¶¶ 194–204, lies beyond its authority, we vacate the portion of the 2018 Order purporting to preempt ‘any state or local requirements that are inconsistent with [the Commission’s] deregulatory approach[,]’ see id. ¶ 194."

DC Circuit Court Case 18-1129 requirement to comply with the above Rulings and NEPA and NHPA. 

FCC’s overreach extends to its radiation exposure “guideline”, which is currently under litigation in U.S. Courts of Appeal in the Ninth and DC Circuit Court.

Congress removed “operations” from the preemption clause at 47 U.S. Code § 332(c)(7)(B)(iv), positively leaving the regulation of operations within state and local authorities’ hands, for any and all reasons and grounds: health effects, environmental effects, agricultural effects, energy conservation, atmospheric effects, weather forecasting effects, astronomy effects, aesthetic effects, historic preservation, property values, aviation safety, local and state economies, and more.

5G are military Directed Energy Weapon Frequencies

5G are military Directed Energy Weapon frequencies and should not be used for calls and data running on fiber optic cable to stop  at sidewalks, then to shoot at us. See Lockeed on youtube use 5G to burn metal.  5G sent sights and sounds in Iraqi soldiers' brains.   5G hit and burned smartmetered houses in Paradise, CA.  5G prevents blood oxygen uptake and feels like you can't breathe.   Tests suffocated rats, rabbits and dogs with it in the online Navy Report unclassified in 1994.  Massive 5G deployment went live in Wuhan when the outbreak began. South Korea is beating it with oxygen therapy.

They're rushing to get 4G, 5G, Wi-Gig up close before anyone knows the D.C. District Court of Appeals ruled on August 12, 2019, they have to 1st prove transmitters in close proximity are safe, which they can't.  We all need to become more knowledgeable, what 5G can do and how to turn it on and off.

At 2009 World Health Org meeting Henry Kissinger told vaccine investors they'd make millions "thinning the herd and once these sheep accept forced vaccination, they'll accept anything."  October 2019 Global Health Org rehearsed convincing public of coronavirus using fake newscast with outbreak date. CDC posted Quarantine Advisor jobs 11-15-19. "5G Installed As World Locked Down," on youtube re:  5G facial recognition Wisconsin school installers sign nondisclosures and told to say they're disinfecting.

BioAPI is emfs  interfacing with neurons and synapses to invisibly nano sized "wetware" metal components injected in vaccines or inhaled from plane spray.  Remove metals eating raw cilantro, broccoli, apples, ginger. Use an adapter to plug in cell phones. Barefoot on ground recharges. Do Tony Pantalleresco's youtube Nano Bucket Soak.  Have chlorella then infrared sauna. Sing Pray

Every pandemic was preceded by a global electrification increase: 1918 electricity, WWII radar, 1968 Satellites, now 20,000 5G satellites radiating.  Ehtrust.org found Verizon told 5G investors they'll pay them higher returns as they expect to be paying out on personal injury claims and class actions for their deceptive marketing.  Wi-Gig cylinder on streetlight is same as what most microwave ovens that leak are shooting at you. LED streetlights are 5G, harm vision and have increased cars hitting people.

Email your City Council Member to  stop installing and remove towers and transmitters from schools, sidewalks and  street lights. The Court also reminded FCC that cities have authority over transmitter operation and can apply Building Safety Codes to limit exposures.  On February 4, 2020 Robert Kennedy Jr. filed to sue FCC to revise their fraudulent emf limit based on a test heating a water filled plastic head.
by loretta.marmor@yandex.com  562-618-2752   

Actions working to Stop 5G                                                                                 

DOD Prototypes Not Vaccines

DoD, CDC and FDA took great care to not produce any pharmaceutical chain-of-custody paper trail between suppliers, manufacturers, distributo...