standup comedy at The Improv Hollywood
Loretta Marmor
we're being exterminated
When you are a very well-informed woman or man you won't feel a shred of fear. Turn inward and connect with source of your creator. Education. entertainment and media is evil and based on war. sacrifice, disease and poverty and generations of blood, (war ,) economy. Hundreds of years of lies, time money and fear makes up the world consciousness. Move away from this. Recently deceased, Cecil John Rhodes plundered Africa's people, gold and diamonds. This same Sabatian element that infiltrated The League of Nations, Trilateral Commission and the Bilderberg Group, engineered
and funded both sides of World War I and World War II. __Sacha Stone
They engineered this pandemic to collapse the economy, make as many people unemployed and homeless so their few multinationals will produce and control everything.
Their stated goal is to reduce the population as presently our sheer numbers prevent them from injecting interfacing materials into us to remote track, monitor and control us.